Financial Advising – (The Legend Group)
Lincoln Investment and Capital Analysts Form CRS
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Whether you are planning for college, saving for retirement, looking to generate income from your assets, or investing to create a legacy, the creation of a well-conceived plan may mean the difference between achieving your objectives or falling short. The Legend Group’s Financial Professionals offer a comprehensive selection of quality products and services through Lincoln Investment.
Review all Retirement Income assets. Learn about recent IRS 403(b) (TSA) changes. Confidential meeting by appointment.
Contact Tim Sennett at (315) 422-5868– Reference SECNY Program.
Advisory services offered through Capital Analysts or Lincoln Investment, Registered Investment Advisers. Securities offered through Lincoln Investment, Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. SECNY Federal Credit Union and the above firms are independent and non-affiliated.
Tax advice and services are not offered through, or supervised by, the Lincoln Investment Companies.
This page has been prepared solely for information purposes and is not intended to be a solicitation, offer or sale of securities, products or investment advisory services to anyone who resides outside the United States. Lincoln Investment and Capital Analysts are registered as investment advisers within the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Lincoln Investment is registered as a broker/dealer in all 50 states. Lincoln Investment, Capital Analysts and its Financial Representatives may only transact business in a particular state if first registered and only after complying with registration requirements. MAY LOSE VALUE. NO CREDIT UNION OBLIGATION OR GUARANTEE.
Simple Will – (Pappas, Cox, Kimpel, Dodd & Levine, PC)
Protect your assets according to your wishes for future generations. Confidential meeting by appointment.
Contact Doug at (315) 472-4481 – Reference SECNY Program.
Tax Review & Planning
Review prior year returns. Discuss your current and future income tax issues.
Contact Loretta at The Legend Group at (315) 422-5868– Ask for Tax Services and reference SECNY.
If you have specific requests outside of the normal benefit, all costs are disclosed upfront. For example, if you wish to buy life insurance or long-term care insurance, or would like to have a tax return prepared, the cost for these will be disclosed.
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