External Account Transfers

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Transfer money to or from another Bank or Credit Union without moving an inch with TransferNow.

You probably already knew you could transfer money between your accounts at SECNY. But did you know external transfers are now available too? Online transfers with TransferNow make it easy to move money from or to your accounts at other Financial Institutions directly to or from your account at SECNY – no checks, cash deposits or branch visits required. Move money from another Bank or Credit Union as quick as a click. 

Use TransferNow by logging in and clicking Transfer then External Account Transfer or download our mobile app.

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Use TransferNow next time you need to...

easily transfer funds into a joint checking account with secny fcu's mobile online banking app near syracuse ny

Transfer money into a joint account for shared household expenses.

set aside savings by transferring funds to your savings account with secny fcu's mobile online banking app near syracuse ny

Put money in a vacation fund to help with travel budgeting.

move money to a savings account fast and easy with secny federal credit unions mobile and online banking options near syracuse ny

Move money from a savings account for emergency expenses.

If you have any questions regarding our new services contact us at (315) 469-5599We look forward to providing more convenience to your member experience!

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