Your Job Search and Credit

Your Credit Can Make Or Break Your Job Search

There's a perfect time for many things: tulips in the spring, watermelon in the summer and pumpkin spice lattes in the fall. There's even a perfect time for your job search - January and February. These are months where many companies receive updated budgets and assess if they can afford to bring on new employees. 

44% of employers are planning to hire full-time employees.

51% of employers are planning to hire temporary employees.

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40% of American workers admit they'll aim to change jobs this year

It's Also Time To Take Another Look At Your Credit Report

HR professionals may use credit or financial checks while hiring

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25% for some positions

6% for all applicants*

Your Credit Could Make Or Break Your Job Search. Here's Why:

  • It shows your trustworthiness. If your credit records have information about paying back large loans like a mortgage, that'll show you are reliable.
  • If your credit information shows a lot of late payments, that could indicate to employers that you're not very organized or responsible. Paying on time and in full is proof that you are able to keep on a schedule and meet deadlines.
  • If you are mishandling your own finances this could show that you won't be able to handle the responsibility associated with the job.

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To ensure that your credit won't negatively affect your job search, pull your free credit reports from one of three major bureaus or your personal financial institution. That way you'll be able to spot errors or any unexpected changes. You can also improve your credit by:

Paying your
bills on time

Using less than 30% of your available credit

Monitoring your credit regularly

Powered by Savy Money.
- Jean Chatzky Director of Education, Editor in Chief

*According to the National Association of Professional Background Screeners. 

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